
GitHub : https://github.com/widuu/microDB


  • 第一,是为了写点实例代码,让大家了解 Zephir 并尝试用 Zephir 来编写C语言的 PHP 扩展。
  • 第二,前边其实有一个太监了好几个月的 Yaf PHP的项目,大家都了解其实Yaf 没有存在 Model 处理层,所以想写一个专门来接入 Model,让 Yaf 更加完美。


也是本人的自身的问题,开发的时间有限,所以项目进展特别缓慢,需要大家一起帮忙 review。


可能大家部署开发环境会感觉很费劲,或者迁移起来也很费劲,这里我推荐大家使用 Docker 开发。也推荐大家使用灵雀云的 Container 云主机,XS 的是免费提供大家的,当然大家可以是用,我构建好的 Docker 镜像来进行配置,地址:https://hub.alauda.cn/repos/widuu/zephir


namespace Microdb\Adapter;

 * Pdo driver 

class Pdo extends Adapter{

     * bind  type null 

    const TYPE_NULL  = 0;

     * bind  type int 

    const TYPE_INT  = 1;

     * bind  type string 

    const TYPE_STR  = 2;

     *  bind type big data

    const TYPE_LOB  = 3;

     * bind  type stmt 

    const TYPE_STMT  = 4;

     * bind  type boolean 

    const TYPE_BOOL  = 5; 

     * bind  type decimal 

    const TYPE_DECIMAL  = 1024;

     * mutil database flag

    protected _multi_flag  = false;

     * database config

    protected  static _config = null { get };

     * Pdo resource

     protected  _pdo { get };

     * active pod statement

    protected _activeStatement = null { get };

    public function __construct( array! config = null ){
        if empty( config ) {
            throw new Exception( "params must be array" );

        let this->_pdo = this->connect( config );

     * The function connect database , params must be array
     * <code>
     * $config = array(
     *      'username'  =>  'username',
     *      'password'  =>  'password',
     *      'host'      =>  'localhost',
     *      'dbname'    =>  'test',
     *      'charset'   =>  'utf8',
     *      'prefix'    =>  'wd_',
     *      'options'   =>  array();
     *  );  
     * </code>
     * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>

    public function connect( array! config = null ) -> <\PDO>{
        var username,password,options,dsnparts

        if fetch username , config["username"] {
            unset config["username"];

        if fetch password , config["password"] {
            unset config["password"];

        //set pdo options
        if  fetch options , config["options"] {
            unset config["options"];
            let options = [];

        //set database table prefix
        if isset config["prefix"] {
            let this->_prefix = config["prefix"];
            unset config["prefix"];

        //parse this dsn
        if !fetch dsn , config["dsn"] {
            let dsnparts = [];
            for key ,value in config {
                let dsnparts[] = key ."=" .value;
            let dsn = join(";",dsnparts);

        //add pdo exception
        //let options[\Pdo::ATTR_ERRMODE] = \Pdo::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION;

        //create pdo connect
        return new \PDO("mysql:".dsn,username,password,options);         

     * return pdo prepare statement 
     * @param     string      sqlStr
     * @return     object      PDOStatement
     * <code>
     *  $statement = $pdo->prepare( "select * from wd_user where name= :name" );
     *  $statement = $pdo->prepare( "select * from wd_user where name= ?" );
     * </code>
     * @author     widuu     <admin@widuu.com>

    public function prepare( string ! sqlStr ) -> <\PDOStatement> {
        let this->_activeStatement = this->_pdo->prepare( sqlStr );
        //return this->_pdo->prepare(sqlStr);
        return this->_activeStatement;

     * executes prepare pdo statment and return PDOStatement
     * //@param     PDOStatement        statement  <PDO execute prepare result>
     * @param   array           dataValue  <PDO bindVaue>
     * @param   array           dataTypes  <PDO data_type>
     * @return  PDOStatement    
     * <code>
     * $db->prepare("select * from user where HOST= ? ");
     * $execresult = $db->execPrepare(  array('widuu') ,array(  mypdo::TYPE_STR ));
     * //or
     * $db->prepare("select * from user where HOST=:host");
     * $execresult = $db->execPrepare(  array('host'=>'widuu') ,array( 'host' => mypdo::STR ));
     * </code>

    //public function execPrepare(<\PDOStatement> statement ,array ! dataValue , dataTypes = null)-> <\PDOStatement> {
    public function execPrepare( array ! dataValue = null, dataTypes = null )-> <\PDOStatement> | boolean | boolean{

        var key,value,parameter,variable,type,result;

        // if typeof statement != "object" || ! ( statement instanceof \PDOStatement ){
        //  throw new \Exception("PDOStatement type error");
        //  return;
        // }

        if  this->_activeStatement == null || typeof this->_activeStatement != "object" {
            throw new \Exception( "don't exists PDOStatement" );

        for key , value in dataValue {
            if typeof key == "integer" {
                let parameter = key + 1;
            }else {
                // bindValue key can use :key or key
                if !strstr( key,":" ){
                    let parameter = ":".key ;
                    let parameter = key ;
            // judgment type
            if typeof dataTypes == "array" && fetch type , dataTypes[ key ] {
                switch type {
                    case Pdo::TYPE_NULL :
                        let variable = null;
                    case Pdo::TYPE_INT  :
                        let variable = intval( value );
                    case Pdo::TYPE_STR :
                        let variable = ( string ) value;
                    case Pdo::TYPE_BOOL :
                        let variable = ( boolean ) value;
                    case Pdo::TYPE_DECIMAL :
                        let variable = doubleval(value),
                            type = Pdo::TYPE_DECIMAL;
                    default :
                        let variable = value,
                            type = Pdo::TYPE_DECIMAL;

                //statement->bindValue( parameter , variable , type );  
                this->_activeStatement->bindValue( parameter , variable , type );   
                //statement->bindValue( parameter , value );
                this->_activeStatement->bindValue( parameter , value );

        // statement->execute();
        let result = this->_activeStatement->execute();

        // execute false
        if false === result {
            return false;

        // let this->_active_statement = statement;
        return this->_activeStatement;

     * get server database version
     * <code>
     * echo $db->dbversion();
     * </code>
     * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>

    public function dbVersion() -> string {
        if !isset this->_pdo {
            throw new Exception( "database service don't connect" );
        return this->_pdo->getAttribute(4);

     * free pdo statement
     * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>

    private function freePdostatement() {
        let this->_activeStatement = null;

     * get sql execute error infomation
     * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>

    protected function error() {
        var error;
        if this->_activeStatement {
            let error = this->_activeStatement->errorInfo(),
                this->_error = "SQLSTATE[".error[0]."]: ".error[2];
            let this->_error = "";


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